The Toxic Truth About Fluoride and Its Health Dangers

The Toxic Truth About Fluoride and Its Health Dangers


Fluoride is an element that stimulates the formation of bone tissue in the body. Prevents caries and affects the proper metabolism of plaque bacteria. But is too much fluoride in the body harmless to health. What are the symptoms of his overdose and what do scientists think about it?

Fluorine is a perfect humic slayer and is therefore mainly added to toothpaste. However, it should be emphasized that oral hygiene products are not the only way to deliver fluoride to our body. Its source is also water and food. The compounds of this element get into the atmosphere, soil and water mainly due to factories producing aluminum, steel mills and phosphate fertilizer factories, as well as power plants and combined heat and power plants. Its presence in the environment is high, and the excess is toxic to the human body – it can cause bone damage, allergies, thyroid disorders and weakening of the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands. Accumulated in the bones of fluoride blocks the absorption of magnesium, which is extremely harmful for pregnant women, because the element penetrates the fetus, causing irreversible damage.

Symptoms of overdose

Fluorosis is the most common symptom of fluoride overdose. In the first stage of the disease white spots appear on the teeth, and then the enamel darkens and breaks. In people who abuse fluoride for a long time, fluorosis may also affect bones. Its symptoms include weakness of joint mobility, disturbances in bone metabolism, and even irregularities in the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys.

What instead of fluoride toothpaste

The leading substance in toothpastes is fluoride. However, they contain small amounts of it, so they do not hurt in general, but special care should be taken in the case of children who can not thoroughly rinse their mouth after brushing their teeth, and occasionally swallow the toothpaste. Due to the ubiquitous presence of fluoride, many people do not want to take an additional dose of toothpaste, so they are looking for an alternative in the form of oral hygiene products that do not contain this element. Cosmetics companies, noticing consumer concerns, try to extend their offer with toothpastes with herbs. They exhibit high antimicrobial activity and also cope well with periodontal disease and oral mycosis.

Picture Credit: Bru-nO 

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