When to See an Orthodontist

When to See an OrthodontistA beautiful smile is worth a lot. But many young mothers believe that real care for the oral cavity of the baby should be started when the deciduous teeth change into permanent teeth. Then the question will arise sharply: to put braces or not, to fill teeth … This is not so! It is necessary to engage in teeth from the moment the baby’s first milk tooth appears. And be sure to visit the orthodontist.

The first tooth is the first visit

The first time the child needs to be shown to the doctor when the first tooth is cut. At all children it happens differently. It is advisable to show the child to the child’s therapist so that the doctor can check whether everything is in order, told his mother how to care for the teeth. Very many mothers believe that you do not need to brush your baby’s teeth or while your children are breastfeeding. Many women believe that breast milk is so miraculous that it can save everything, including caries. In fact, this is not so. Bacteria still exist, and behind the mouth should be watched, that is, with two teeth already have to be cleaned.

To do this, there are many special brushes. But if your mother is afraid of hurting, you can use a gauze sponge and wipe the teeth so that they do not have a plaque – ideally twice a day.

One and half year

During this period the child begins to walk, publishes the first sounds, as a rule, at this age breastfeeding ends, and it would be wonderful if at the same time parents weaned the baby from the dummy if the child sucks. It happens that some babies go with their nipples to four years – and this is very bad. Here is a year and a half – the starting point.

At this time you can see how the child walks, moves – the orthodontists pay attention to the motor skills, they look at the posture of even a small child, how he breathes – with his nose or mouth, whether the upper jaw is inferior and the upper teeth overlap the lower ones. And depending on the position of the teeth and the shape of the face, you can make a prediction about how the jaw will develop.

Three years

The next examination is carried out in three years – at this age, the proportions of the face, the direction of growth, any blocks, the wrong arrangement of the teeth and even the wrong posture formation are visible. Also in three years, parents can tell if the child has frequent colds, whether he is sleeping with his mouth open, eating solid food, what are bad habits – whether he is eating his lip. By the way, if the child has problems with the position of the jaws, then he will not chew solid food, no matter how you insist on it. Mom, for example, says that he eats a long time, but it’s just the brain that protects the teeth from trauma – everything in the child’s body is in balance.

From the age of three, you can start treatment if there is any indication to this. Up to five years, all problems are functional and related to the work of muscles of one kind or another. For example, if there was hypertension at an early age – in the first year of life – it is correct when moms do massages, gymnastics to a child. But sometimes something is missed, not all are perfect, but as a result we see then uneven teeth in the mouth – this is a marker that shows us that all the other muscles do not work perfectly balanced.

We must understand that near the ears is the vestibular apparatus. Suppose, when you come to a photographer, he tells you to sit up straight, turn your head there, tilt it here. You are sitting exactly, but in the end you may be uncomfortable – it’s just that your “evenly” and “exactly” on the cells are completely different. Here, children can still be regulated, they need to grow in harmony and symmetry. If the child sleeps more on the right side, then it is advisable to turn it to the left – up to five years you can sculpt your child. All can still be corrected – massages, gymnastics, with the help of orthodontists.

We do not have children, whom we would do something, everything goes in a playful way, and we are friends. It happens that the children can cry in the corridor, we go out to them and talk with them there, we ask the parents to say that there are we, that the children will come to visit us. If the parents are motivated, then everything will pass easily with the child. Only the main rule of working with children is never to deceive. If you ever deceive the child, the more you will never achieve anything from him.

Five and a half years

The next preventive examination should be carried out at five and a half years. This is the first peak of growth in girls. Then the sixth teeth break through – the first permanent teeth. You will also need to see a doctor-therapist who follows the eruption of teeth.

These teeth have a strong stenochka, but the chewing surface is very weak and it is sealed with sealant – a substance that contains fluoride – because the teeth mature for two more years after eruption. And very often in people 30-40 years old in this area the teeth are either destroyed, or covered with crowns, or need implantation, because when they were small, parents did not look after them. But after 10 years it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the child’s teeth.

Image credit: agwhite

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