The coronavirus epidemic affects all areas of our lives, including dental problems. For example, a person has a toothache — how to treat it, because a dentist cannot be 2 meters from a patient? Is there any risk of contracting a doctor? Should I cancel the procedures that were appointed long before the epidemic? Let’s figure it out.
1. An emergency tooth problem
With severe pain or broken front teeth, treatment is carried out using the maximum protective measures of the doctor and patient. If the patient does not have any symptoms: suffer from cough and fever, is not in quarantine and has not been in contact with quarantine people, he can go to a regular dental clinic, private or at a health insurance fund.
Treatment is carried out with maximum protection, including sterilization in accordance with the instructions of the dental department of the Department of Health.
2. Non-urgent (routine) procedures
Removing tartar, installing fillings (except for fillings of large size and depth), straightening teeth, preparing for the installation of crowns and implants — all these procedures are recommended to be postponed for several weeks. Specifically — until the end of the outbreak or until new recommendations of the Department of Health are received.
3. Dentistry for a patient with a coronavirus or quarantined
It is advisable to postpone this until recovery or quarantine.
You can consult your dentist on how to relieve pain until treatment becomes possible.
If there is a threat to general health, for example, with swelling of the oral cavity and face, you need to call an ambulance. They will give an answer on how to receive treatment in a hospital, in a special unit where special special measures are taken to protect personnel.
Is there a danger of getting infected when visiting a dentist
So far, not a single case of coronavirus infection has been reported in the dental clinic.
Staff regularly and thoroughly sterilize instruments and appliances to avoid transmission of infection. The main problem is that the properties of the new virus are not well known. Here is a list of measures taken by dentists to prevent infection:
1. A thorough check of visitors to dental clinics for signs of coronavirus infection. It requires their cooperation with staff.
2. Careful observance of the rules for sterilization of instruments and devices in accordance with the instructions of the dental department of the Department of Health.
3. Maximum use of disposable equipment, including bathrobes, aprons, gloves, masks and safety glasses.
4. Completion of urgent procedures in 1 visit, without partial or delayed treatment, to avoid the risk of relapse of pain or swelling.
5. Thorough washing of hands of both staff and patients with special soap and sterilization of the oral cavity before treatment by rinsing with a disinfectant solution.
It should be noted that the instructions are constantly changing. In addition, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of infection. The cooperation of the doctor and the patient is necessary in order to avoid both infection and unnecessary suffering of the patient.
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