Like other parts of our body, teeth are affected by environmental factors, so care for them should be thorough and regular. But this does not mean that it should be complicated. Of course, modern dentistry is able to cope with any problems related to the teeth and oral cavity, but how to eliminate the unpleasant consequences, it is better to prevent them. Below you will find five recommendations that really work.
Care of the tongue
Bacteria in the mouth are the main cause of caries, so they need to be eliminated as often as possible. By the way, chewing gum during the day does not affect anything, except fresh breath, so it is unlikely to be perceived as a full-fledged hygiene remedy. At the same time, one should not forget about cleaning the tongue: as studies show, regular procedures significantly reduces the likelihood of tooth decay and diseases of the oral cavity.
In addition, scraping the tongue reduces the amount of light volatile compounds in the mouth that provoke halitosis (an unpleasant smell). How about an additional bonus? Experts say that cleaning the tongue stimulates the taste buds, so that the tastes of the usual dishes will seem brighter and more intense.
By the way, a white coating on the tongue can indicate problems with digestion associated with yeast imbalance. A number of studies indicate that lactobacilli – useful bacteria contained in probiotics – can help cope with the problem and are most effective in suppressing candida growth. At the same time, taking probiotics before bedtime allows useful bacteria to work all night, and this is worth keeping in mind when you are planning a dinner.
Rinse with oil
Perhaps you have already heard about this Ayurvedic practice, but repetition in such matters is not superfluous. Thus, experiments have shown that rinsing the mouth with a base oil is able not only to destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also to whiten teeth significantly during daily repetition. In order to achieve a therapeutic effect, try to rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of coconut oil once a day. You have to work hard – it should be done 15-20 minutes – but the result is worth the effort.
The secret is that the oil in this case is a powerful “magnet”, which draws germs from under the gums and from the spaces between the teeth (that is, those areas that we sometimes work out insufficiently thoroughly during brushing our teeth).
Warm Water + Sea Salt
Salt water is ideal for rinsing, since it alkalizes the oral cavity, so that the alkali kills acid-producing bacteria that cause diseases of the teeth and caries. And if oil does not suit you, this is an excellent alternative to daily care. In addition, salt water reduces inflammation and promotes a good oral pH. Add to the solution 1-2 drops of essential oil of cloves or mint to freshen your breath.
For rinsing, food hydrogen peroxide, diluted with drinking water in a ratio of 1: 1, is also suitable. At the same time, dentists advise patients to stay away from mouthwash based on alcohol, as they contain harsh chemicals that can cause irritation of the gums and dehydration of the teeth (= hypersensitivity).
Dental floss
Speaking about the full oral care, you should not forget about the situational methods that will help you when you do not have any opportunity to brush your teeth in the traditional way. Here, a dental floss will become a wand, which, if you use it every time you feel that food is stuck in your teeth, will help prevent periodontitis (a disease characterized by a systemic lesion of dental tissue).
In terms of impact on periodontal dental floss works more gently than toothpick, so if you are familiar with the problems of excessive sensitivity and bleeding gums, always take it with you.
Teeth cleaning
And, finally, cleaning your teeth is the most important and so common for us operation. But, nevertheless, we almost do not think about whether we are doing it right. Studies have shown that brushing your teeth twice a day at a 45-degree angle with a soft brush helps reduce gingival swelling.
Taking into account that hardly anyone plans to brush their teeth with the protractor, experts give more realistic recommendations. First of all, choose toothpastes without sodium fluoride and lauryl sulfate. The medical journal The Lancet included these substances in the list of neurotoxins (along with lead and arsenic), based on the report of Harvard University in 2012, where it was said that children in areas with fluoride water have a lower IQ.
Image credit: jambulboy