What are Dental Implants?

What are Dental Implants?Modern methods of dental implantation provide 99% guarantee of successful engraftment. In fact, gum excision, stitching, and a long healing process are a thing of the past. Thanks to the new implantation technologies, the procedure is fast, the invasiveness is minimal, and the postoperative recovery process is quick and without discomfort.

Today’s dental implants are strong and durable. Manufacturing companies give 30–40 years, or even a lifetime warranty on the use of their products.

Implantation as an alternative to dentures

Even if many years have passed since the loss of one or several teeth, this will not be a problem for modern implantology.

Dentists are able to restore the dentition completely with the help of implants or, according to your desire or for medical reasons, to limit the installation of 4-6 implants for more reliable fixation of a removable prosthesis.

In the normal state of the bone tissue, gums and the entire oral cavity as a whole, up to 10 implants are allowed in one session.

The newest implantation method: a tooth in an hour

Simultaneous implantation is the most popular method of tooth restoration. It is also called the express method.

Its essence lies in the fact that:

  • the damaged tooth is removed;
  • without waiting for healing, a titanium pin (implant) is inserted into the wound, which performs the functions of the tooth root;
  • worn temporary crown of metal;
  • after some time, it is replaced by a constant.

The advantages of such a dental implantation are many:

  • installation takes about 15 minutes, in difficult cases – up to 1 hour;
  • there is no need to build up bone tissue, since it has not yet had time to atrophy;
  • no need for gumline;
  • amputation of a diseased tooth and installation of a new one takes place in one day, that is, in one visit to the dentist.

To ensure that the implant does not stand out in the mouth, permanent and temporary crowns are selected to match the color of the dentition.

When using the latest installation methods, it is possible to give a small load on the false tooth after 5–6 days, depending on survival.

Picture Credit: kreatikar

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